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Plain-End Testing
Provides all the benefits that end users are looking for in deciding to use modular construction and prefabrication methods.
Eliminates the inefficient practice of welding caps on just to cut them off and bevel the pipe again.
Tools currently available to 60”.
Eliminates the need for a wide array of different size/schedule combinations of internal plugs that can damage the ID of a pipe.
Hydrotests the entire length of pipe from end to end.
Assemblies that end in elbows, tees, reducers and socket weld fittings can also be hydrotested.
Lines of the same test pressure can be connected together and tested simultaneously.
Works with primed, painted, and finished coat surfaces.

The method used to hydrotest prefabricated modules or spools can make or break a project. Traditionally welders install weld caps, then the vessel is filled with medium, the weld caps are cut off and the pipe bevelled once again. The traditional method of testing modules and spools adds too much labor and supplies, which in turn increases cost. This is also a prime example of inefficiency in construction practices due to the enormous waste of time required to weld and remove the welding caps and rebeveling of the pipe.
ISOTECH has a better solution that will decrease time and cost associated with any module or spool hydrotesting. ISOTECH Plain-End Test Service utilizes CARBER patented tool that fits on the outside of the pipe and seals the opening, allowing the pipe to be pressurized and tested. Their technologies can even accommodate open-ended systems that end in fittings such as tees, socket-weld fittings, elbows and reducers.
ISOTECH service allows fabrication companies and their welders to focus on their most productive work and profitable core competency; fabrication. By not welding during the hydrotesting phase of the project, extensive quality control management is also omitted from the job. The CARBER Plain-End Test Tool significantly reduces the number of issues commonly found during post-installation hydrotesting, and in some cases completely eliminates post-installation hydrotesting from the scope of a project.
Benefits of the CARBER Plain-End Test Tool over welding caps
Utilizing welding caps requires extensive labor and supplies. Dedicated QA/QC resources are usually required when using welding caps because improper management of the welding caps on spools or modules can compromise the metallurgy of a pipe. All of these factors contribute to longer project durations, to project inefficiency and to higher costs. The CARBER Plain-End Test Tool eliminates the inefficient use of labor and supplies as well as other possible scenarios that have the capability to cripple a project. In comparison to traditional methods, our service is approximately 1/3 of the cost and 1/3 of the time required to use weld caps to perform the same testing.
When cutting weld caps off of a pipe after a hydrotest, there is a risk of jeopardizing the dimensional accuracy of the finished product, which in turn can lead to serious installation issues. The CARBER Plain-End Testing Service eliminates these issues altogether.
Benefits of the CARBER Plain-End Test Tool over internal griping plugs
Because the tools fit on the OD of the pipe, there is no damage on the inside walls of the pipe which is common when using plugs. The pronounced scoring caused by an internal gripping plug can lead to premature corrosion and/or erosion as well as introduce stress risers. This is especially important in the case of fabricating alloy systems where there may be zero tolerance for such markings on the inside of the pipe. Additionally, when using internal plugs, the area occupied by a plug is not subject to the hydrotesting pressure. This conflict is eliminated with the use of the CARBER Plain-End Test Tool.
Since internal plugs rely on the ID of the pipe, this approach requires the expensive sourcing of many different plug sizes for each pipe size and schedule variation of the project. The CARBER Plain-End Test Tool relies on the OD of the pipe, allowing the same tool to be used for any schedule pipe of a given diameter.
Installation and removal of the CARBER Plain-End Test Tool is much easier than traditional plugs, which can become jammed or stuck inside a pipe. Internal plugs also have the ability to be ejected from the line when overpressured or not properly maintained, posing an unacceptable risk to personnel and equipment. The CARBER Plain-End Test Tool is designed with an engineered self-gagging system to prevent this from happening.